年賀状 2022 ノハナ年賀状 スマホで年賀状・はがき作成




New Years card app 2022 created by Nohana. New Years cards and postcards are printed and delivered on your smartphone. Photo New Years cards, for mourning and cold weather.

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ママが使い続けたいフォトブックアプリNo.1の「ノハナ」が提供する年賀状印刷アプリ。家族や子供の写真が映える高品質な写真年賀状の仕上がりに思わず納得。パソコンもプリンターもはがきも不要。スマホで年賀状や写真付き年賀状が簡単に印刷・作成できる便利なアプリです。■ノハナ年賀状2022の特徴①人気キャラクターの他、ママが使いたいおしゃれな年賀状デザインが厳選400点以上②基本料金はいつでも【無料】③宛名面印刷や添え書きコメントは何枚でも【無料】④最高品質!富士フイルム製の写真印画紙仕上げ⑤自動補正機能!暗い写真や明るすぎる写真を適切な明るさに!⑥コメント欄は縦書きにも対応・定型文でコメント記入もラクラク①人気キャラクターの他、年賀はがきのデザインが厳選400点以上人気キャラクターの他、人気の年賀状や喪中・寒中見舞いの定番デザインも多数ご用意。おしゃれな和モダン系、写真が引き立つシンプル系、干支(寅)やお正月らしい和風系を中心にママの声を反映した厳選の年賀状デザイン400種以上をご用意しました。出産、結婚、転居、卒入学(園)など家族の様子を報告するのにぴったりな写真年賀状は、最大16枚までの写真を入れることが可能です。②基本料金はいつでも【無料】さらにキャラクターデザイン利用料も【無料】!(印刷代+ハガキ代)x枚数+送料のシンプルな料金体系です。投函代行なら1枚からご注文が可能で投函代は【無料】です。ご自宅で年賀はがきや喪中・寒中見舞いのポストカードを一度受け取る場合は5枚からのご注文となり、別途配送料がかかります。配送方法は、手渡しクロネコヤマト宅急便・ポスト投函ネコポスから選べます。早期購入割引のほか、2回目以降は送料が【無料】になるリピート割があります。※早期購入割引の詳細は[公式サイト(https://nenga.nohana.jp/)](https://nenga.nohana.jp/)をご覧ください。③宛名面印刷や添え書きコメントは何枚でも【無料】年賀はがきや喪中・寒中見舞いのポストカードの宛名面に、宛先や差出人を印刷する機能が無料で利用可能です。はがきの差出人欄に個別に添え書きコメントを入力することができる新機能が加わりました。さらに宛名帳に登録しておくと次年度以降、宛名帳を選ぶだけで年賀状が送れます。宛名面印刷機能と宛名帳のすべてを【無料】でご利用いただけます!※ノハナ年賀状2021に宛名登録された情報を連携する場合は、別途操作が必要です。手続き方法は公式サイト(https://nenga.nohana.jp/)をご覧ください。④最高品質!富士フイルム製の写真印画紙仕上げスマホ写真もイメージ通りの美しさ。はがきに写真印画紙を貼りあわせてお送りする、自宅プリントでは出せない質感です。子供や家族の写真付き年賀状が映える美しい仕上がりが魅力なので、スマホで写真年賀状を作成するのにおすすめです。⑤自動補正機能!暗い写真や明るすぎる写真を適切な明るさに!富士フイルムの画像処理技術を利用し、暗い写真や明るすぎる写真を適切な明るさに自動で調整いたします。⑥コメント欄は縦書きにも対応・定型文でコメント記入もラクラクコメント欄の縦書きが可能となりました。また、定型文も多数用意されているのでコメント作成に悩むこともありません。もちろん自由に編集可能です。また、豊富なスタンプでデコレーションも自由自在。世界に1枚のオリジナル年賀状の作成が可能です。■仕様◇写真付き年賀状(高画質写真仕上げ)<おすすめ!>店舗でプリントした写真のようにキレイな高画質年賀状です。作成したデザインを、印画紙にプリントしてお年玉付年賀はがきに貼付けてお送りします。◇イラスト年賀状(印刷仕上げ)コメント記入だけで完成するおしゃれでかわいいイラスト年賀状です。作成したデザインを、お年玉付年賀はがきに直接レーザープリンタで印刷します。※はがきの種類やサイズ等、詳細は公式サイト(https://nenga.nohana.jp/)をご覧ください。■配送方法◇ご自宅配送1.アプリをダウンロード(無料)2.選んだテンプレートに写真やスタンプを入れて簡単作成3.ご注文後、約3営業日で出荷。出荷から通常1~3日後が受け取りの目安となります。◇直接投函1.アプリをダウンロード(無料)2.選んだテンプレートに写真やスタンプを入れて簡単作成3.ご注文後、翌日投函。※年賀はがきは郵便局で年賀はがきの受付が開始された後に投函され、元旦に到着するよう配達されます。■年賀状以外の取り扱いハガキ・ポストカード・喪中はがき・寒中見舞いスマホで年賀状を作るときはノハナにお任せ♪◆◇2022年(令和四年)の寅年は、新しくなったノハナ年賀状で素敵な新年のご挨拶を◇◆A New Years card printing app provided by "Nohana", the No. 1 photo book app that moms want to keep using.High-quality photo that shows pictures of family and children I am convinced by the finish of the New Years card.No need for a computer, printer or postcard. It is a convenient application that allows you to easily print and create New Years cards and New Years cards with photos on your smartphone.■ Features of Nohana New Years card 2022(1) In addition to popular characters, more than 400 carefully selected fashionable New Years card designs that moms want to use② The basic charge is always [free]③ You can print any number of address prints and supplementary comments [free]④ Highest quality! Fujifilm photographic paper finish⑤ Automatic correction function! Bring dark or too bright photos to the right brightness!⑥ The comment field also supports vertical writing. ・ It is easy to write comments with fixed phrases.(1) In addition to popular characters, more than 400 carefully selected designs for New Years postcardsIn addition to popular characters, we also have many popular New Years cards and standard designs for mourning and cold weather.We have prepared more than 400 kinds of carefully selected New Years card designs that reflect the voice of moms, centering on fashionable Japanese modern styles, simple styles that make photos stand out, zodiac signs (tigers) and Japanese style styles that are typical of the New Year.A photo that is perfect for reporting on family conditions such as childbirth, marriage, moving, and graduation (garden) The New Years card can contain up to 16 photos.② The basic charge is always [free]In addition, the character design usage fee is also [free]!(Printing fee + postcard fee) x number of sheets + shipping fee is a simple fee system.If you are a mailing agent, you can order from one piece and the mailing fee is [free].If you receive a New Years postcard or a postcard for mourning or cold weather at home, you can order from 5 cards and a separate shipping fee will be charged.You can choose the delivery method from hand-delivered Kuroneko Yamato Takkyubin and post-mailing cat POS.In addition to the early purchase discount, there is a repeat discount where the shipping fee is [free] from the second time onwards.* For details on early purchase discounts, please see [Official website (https://nenga.nohana.jp/)] (https://nenga.nohana.jp/).③ You can print any number of address prints and supplementary comments [free]You can use the function to print the address and sender on the address side of New Years postcards and postcards for mourning and cold weather for free.A new feature has been added that allows you to enter individual supplementary comments in the sender field of postcards.Furthermore, if you register it in the address book, you can send a New Years card from the next year onward just by selecting the address book.You can use the address printing function and the address book for free!* A separate operation is required to link the information registered in the address of Nohana New Years card 2021. Please see the official website (https://nenga.nohana.jp/) for the procedure.④ Highest quality! Fujifilm photographic paper finishSmartphone photos are as beautiful as you can imagine. It is a texture that cannot be produced by home printing, which is sent by pasting photo photographic paper on a postcard.It is recommended to create a photo New Years card with a smartphone because it has a beautiful finish that makes a New Years card with a photo of a child or family shine.⑤ Automatic correction function! Bring dark or too bright photos to the right brightness!Using Fujifilms image processing technology, it automatically adjusts dark or overly bright photos to the appropriate brightness.⑥ The comment field also supports vertical writing. ・ It is easy to write comments with fixed phrases.Vertical writing in the comment field is now possible. In addition, there are many fixed phrases, so you dont have to worry about creating comments. Of course, you can edit it freely.In addition, you can freely decorate with abundant stamps. It is possible to create one original New Years card in the world.■ Specifications◇ New Years card with photo (high-quality photo finish) It is a high-quality New Years card that is as beautiful as a photo printed at a store.We will print the created design on photographic paper and attach it to the New Years postcard with New Years present.◇ Illustration New Years card (print finish)A fashionable and cute illustration New Years card that can be completed just by entering a comment.The created design is printed directly on the New Years card with New Years present with a laser printer.* Please see the official website (https://nenga.nohana.jp/) for details such as the type and size of postcards.■ Delivery method◇ Home delivery1. Download the app (free)2. Easy creation by putting photos and stamps in the selected template3. Ships in about 3 business days after ordering. It is usually 1 to 3 days after shipment as a guideline for receipt.◇ Direct posting1. Download the app (free)2. Easy creation by putting photos and stamps in the selected template3. After ordering, mail the next day.* New Years postcards will be posted at the post office after the reception of New Years postcards has started, and will be delivered so that they arrive on New Years Day.■ Handling postcards and postcards other than New Years cards・ Postcard in mourning・ Visit in the coldWhen making a New Years card with a smartphone, leave it to Nohana ♪◆ ◇ In the year of the Tiger in 2022 (Reiwa 4th year), a wonderful New Years greetings will be given with the new Nohana New Years card ◇ ◆あたらしく生まれ変わったノハナ年賀状2022のサービスが開始しました。スキマ時間で簡単に高品質な写真年賀状が作成できます。ますます便利になったノハナの年賀状サービスを是非ご体験ください。

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